18/07/2021 - Rush Co. Dublin

Another LSAC competition and our tactics where to try for mackerel for 30 minutes then just go straight to the bank to anchor for the entire comp. This worked out well as Ken came second and I came a close third, our best comp so far!


LocationRush Co. Dublin
ResultShane: 4 Thornback Ray, 5 Dogfish, 2 Smooth Hound, 1 Dab
Ken: 6 Thornback Ray, 5 Dogfish, 1 Smooth Hound
Total Hrs7
Tide/TimeLW 12:31
Lures/BaitSquid & Feathers
Page Views838
Moon Phase
Waxing Gibbous Moon

Weather Conditions

Wind Air Temp Water Temp Conditions
6 km/h from SE22°C18°CFlat calm, hot & sunny