19/07/2021 - Red Rock, Sutton

Another nice day for a session, was hoping I might pick up my first mackerel of the year on the feathers but nope, just 4 small pollock! I had squid out on a pulley rig as well, got a load of bites that didn't hook up, then eventually a dogfish, not a bad days fishing for Dublin Bay..


LocationRed Rock, Sutton
Result1 Dogfish, 4 Pollock
Total Hrs3.5
Tide/TimeHW 20:19
Lures/BaitSquid & Feathers
Page Views779
Moon Phase
Waxing Gibbous Moon

Weather Conditions

Wind Air Temp Water Temp Conditions
9 km/h from NE20°C17°CFlat calm and sunny
Red Rock, Sutton - 2021-07-19 - 1.jpeg

Red Rock, Sutton - 2021-07-19 - 2.jpeg

Red Rock, Sutton - 2021-07-19 - 3.jpeg