07/05/2021 - North Dublin

Was out again tonight after the bass and smooth hounds, no joy in that department but a nice surprise double shot freshwater eels on ragworm really close in, really hard to get a picture of them they wriggle so much! Another species for the species hunt of which I am currently in 1st place. Had 2 small flounders earlier in the session too so not a bad night out!


LocationNorth Dublin
Result 2 Flounders, 2 Freshwater Eels (Anguilla)
Total Hrs3
Tide/TimeHW 21:55
Lures/BaitRagworm & Peeler Crab
Page Views719
Moon Phase
Waning Crescent Moon

Weather Conditions

Wind Air Temp Water Temp Conditions
18 km/h from SSE5°C10°CCold, small bit of surf
North Dublin - 2021-05-07 - 1.jpg

North Dublin - 2021-05-07 - 2.jpg

North Dublin - 2021-05-07 - 3.jpg

North Dublin - 2021-05-07 - 4.jpg