25/07/2021 - Rush Co. Dublin

Started off the day by heading to a patch of rough ground in approx. 40ft of water, stopping for a few drops of the feathers along the way which resulted in 1 tiny whiting for myself. We get to the mark and think we figure out the drift so we dropped the anchor and let out 100ft of rope expecting to be positioned nicely over the patch of rough ground, but unfortunately we stopped short and were just on the edge over clean sand, feck it we thought we'll still try. 2 hours later and all we had to show for it was a dogfish each.. so we pulled anchor and headed out to deeper waters. Next stop was next to a cliff in 80ft of water over rocky ground, first drop resulted in a nice ballan wrasse for myself, and Ken got a pollock shortly after. We noticed another boat nearby pulling in mackerel so we headed their way and had a drift along side them, and what do you know, we got some mackerel 8) First of the year oddly enough and we got a good few! I was happy out to get some fresh bait to go after bigger tope from the shore tonight :) After the mackerel fishing slowed, we spent another good few hours drifting around the place with baited feathers hoping for some more new species but our luck had run dry!


LocationRush Co. Dublin
ResultShane: 1 Dogfish, 1 Whiting, 1 Ballan Wrasse, 3 Mackerel
Ken: 1 Dogfish, 1 Pollock, 7 Mackerel
Total Hrs6
Tide/TimeHW 13:00
Lures/BaitSquid, Ragworm, Mackerel, Feathers
Page Views823
Moon Phase
Full Moon

Weather Conditions

Wind Air Temp Water Temp Conditions
10 km/h from NE19°C19°CSunny and a little chop
Rush Co. Dublin - 2021-07-25 - 1.jpeg

Rush Co. Dublin - 2021-07-25 - 2.jpeg

Rush Co. Dublin - 2021-07-25 - 3.jpeg

Rush Co. Dublin - 2021-07-25 - 4.jpeg