07/04/2021 - Portrane Rocks

Dug some fresh rag and collected some fresh peelers this afternoon to try a spot in Portrane that has been recommended to me for bass on many occasions. It's the small beach behind the holiday park in Portrane! Only when I got there I remembered there's a pack of seals that live here and they like to put on a show, so I thought there was no chance of a fish this evening, but on the last cast I reeled in a small shore rockling, and I had a whiting on the other rod so I was happy out I got some points for the species hunt I'm taking part in this year.


LocationPortrane Rocks
Result1 rockling, 1 whiting
Total Hrs3
Tide/TimeHW 22:00
Lures/BaitFreshly dug rag on one rod, freshly peeled peeler crab on the other!
Page Views765
Moon Phase
Waning Crescent Moon

Weather Conditions

Wind Air Temp Water Temp Conditions
17 km/h from W7°C9°COvercast, bit of drizzle, mostly calm waters.
Portrane Rocks - 2021-04-07 - 1.jpg

Portrane Rocks - 2021-04-07 - 2.jpg

Portrane Rocks - 2021-04-07 - 3.jpg

Portrane Rocks - 2021-04-07 - 4.PNG