14/07/2021 - Rush Co. Dublin

We scouted out the weather well in advance for this session and it was flat calm and splitting sunshine as expected. We had our hopes up for our first mackerel of the season and spent the first 2 hours feathering in different spots to no avail. So we went to anchor on a sandy bank and we were straight onto dogs and ray, it was hectic fishing to say the least, at one point I even had a double shot of ray! After finishing up with 8 ray and 12 dogfish between us we tried feather again for the last hour before heading back and still nothing, no mackerel , no pollock, no coalies, very strange as this time last year we were getting loads.. Hopefully we will get them next time!


LocationRush Co. Dublin
ResultShane: 5 Thornback Ray, 8 Dogfish
Ken: 3 Thornback Ray, 4 Dogfish
Total Hrs5
Tide/TimeHW 15:14
Lures/BaitFrozen Peeler Crab, Squid, Sandeel
Page Views844
Moon Phase
Waxing Crescent Moon

Weather Conditions

Wind Air Temp Water Temp Conditions
4 km/h from SW19°C15°CFlat calm and sunny
Rush Co. Dublin - 2021-07-14 - 1.jpeg

Rush Co. Dublin - 2021-07-14 - 2.jpeg

Rush Co. Dublin - 2021-07-14 - 3.jpeg