Finally back out after 2 cancelled boat comps in a row, but still a very choppy day, so choppy that Ken did not want to anchor so we ended up drifting for most of the day. We started by hitting the Burren rocks to feather up some mackerel but there just wasn't anything biting at all! We slowly made our way from the Burren Rocks to the front of Lambay Harbour for a few drifts . After spending a good 2 hours feathering the front of Lambay we headed around to Saltpan Bay to a spot that produced a lot of mackerel last year, and to our surprise we got nothing in the hour we spent there as well. We motored up to a sandy bank were most of our club were anchored and tried drifting with squid baits ledgered. First drop actually produced a small thornback ray for Shane and a Dab for Ken, so we did 2 more drifts there but again it went quite. We finished up by going back to the front of the harbour to feather for mackerel again at the turn of the tide but alas it just wasn't meant to be!